Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Girl Guides in Haiti

This year at our Thinking Day meeting we learned about Girl Guides in Haiti - the Association Nationale des Guides d'Haïti - how they are similar to our unit, and how they differ.

The Association Nationale des Guides d'Haïti was established in 1942 and they are part of the Western Hemisphere Region. The association is divided in four sections according to age:
Jeanette - ages 7 to 12
Guide - ages 12 to 15
Guide relais - ages 15 to 18
Guide aînée - ages 18 to 25

Would you like to donate to help Girl Guides in Haiti?

Please click the "Donate" button!

This will take you to the donations page for the 64th London Guides where you can make a donation! and learn more about Girl Guides in Haiti.

Click Here for more information about Girl Guides in Haiti. And Click Here to read how Girl Guides worldwide are providing aid to Girl Guides in Haiti.

Please note that our fundraising dollars will go to contribute to this year’s World Thinking Day (WTD) Fund, where WAGGGS is focusing on five specific countries; Haiti, Georgia, Maldives, Sudan and Zimbabwe. The WTD Fund supports the work of WAGGGS globally, it is not exclusively dedicated to Haiti or disaster relief. However, part of the funding raised will go to Haiti in 2010 and specific projects agreed upon by Haiti and WAGGGS.

We feel that this way our fundraising will best support Girl Guides in Haiti.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Thinking Day Campfire at Westmount Mall

Note: This is NOT a Unit event. If you attend, you must stay with your daughter.

Open Invitation

Campfire Celebration

to honour the
joint birthdays of
Lord and Lady Baden Powell

You are invited
to join in a

Thinking Day Campfire
Westmount Mall
Monday, February 22nd, 2010
6:15pm to 7:15 pm

We will gather at the fountain area of the Mall

Please bring your change/donations for the CWFF (Canadian World Friendship Fund) and sit-upon’s or chairs

An RSVP is not necessary, come one, come all

Note: This is NOT a Unit event. If you attend, you must stay with your daughter.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Casa Loma Craft - Chain Knot Tutorial

Everyone received this craft but not everyone had time to put it together.
The original instructions are at the end of this post.
Start by making the loop as shown here.
Now pull it all a little tighter, but still leaving a pretty big loop (1)there on the right.

Take your cord and make another small loop (2) and pull it through the big loop (1)
Now, make another loop (3) and pull it up through (2)
Now take a minute to tighten up all your loops a little bit. If you have enough cord, then make a few more loops, just like you did for (2) and (3), until you only have a little bit of cord left over.
Pull that little bit of cord through the last loop you made.
Voila! you are done!
Here is the original instruction sheet. Maybe the arrows in the pictures can help you some more.

And here is what the craft package looked like.

Thanks to all the volunteers who worked so hard at Casa Loma that day!!
And many thanks to all who organized this event.