Saturday, January 9, 2010

Casa Loma - SWAPS

What are SWAPs?

The "SWAP" was introduced into Boy/Girl Scouting/Guiding as a way to introduce one Scout to another. The swaps were traded and a conversation would result from explaining the swap. Many of these "SWAPS" started long friendships that lasted although the two swappers may have lived in different countries. A SWAP is usually, but not always,a small homemade item that represents the person, their community, or their background.

Visit for more information.

Would you like to make SWAPS for Casa Loma?

Here is a website with lots of great ideas: but keep in mind this is the Girl Scouts of the USA so their trefoil and logos will be different than Girl Guides of Canada.

SWAPS can be as simple as a penny glued to a piece of red fun foam cut into the shape of a maple leaf.

Or they can be much more complicated and time-consuming. The only real "rule" is that they be small enough to pin onto a camp hat, or keep in a ziplock bag, or pin to your backpack.

You can identify yourself by your first name, hometown, and Girl Guide unit. Adding the event is helpful to remember why you made this particular SWAP.

When we visit Casa Loma there will be Girl Guide members from all over Ontario. If you'd like to bring SWAPS please do.

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