Girl Guide Summer Camps
Girl Guide summer camps
provide a great opportunity to keep the Guiding spirit going when Unit meetings finish! We encourage Members and non-Members to register to join us at one or more of our ten camps for fun-filled programming operating under the safe supervision of our talented volunteers and employees! Financial assistance is available for current GGC Members.
Just south of London is Camp Orenda where we offer affordable summer camping programs for girls for a few weeks during the summer as well. These camps are planned and implemented by wonderful GGC volunteers who ensure that everything is safe yet really fun!
If you'd like to travel to other parts of Ontario, there are many more camps to choose from! Just visit our Event Listing and Registration page for more information on the summer day camps and overnight camping events.
Camps Adelaide (Haliburton), Doe Lake (Huntsville), Woolsey (Ottawa) and Wyoka (Hanover) run programs throughout the summer. There are fun-filled, affordable traditional camp programs for girls only. These camps also host the very popular weekend and mid-week intergenerational programs for families (e.g. Mom & Me and Dad & Me) where the adult and child are both participants. If you are unable to drive to and from camp there are transportation options available. You can learn more about these Summer Camp programs by clicking here.