Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Girl Guide Summer Camp - Yes!

Thinking about Girl Guide Summer Camp?


Camp Orenda:
Outplay, Outlaugh, Outcraft, Outclimb, Outcamp
available July 17 - 22, 2011 and August 7 - 12, 2011

Attend for six days of exciting camp activities! The theme this summer is meant to encourage girls to do their best and promote new experiences! Crafts, activities, and outings will be different each week, so girls are welcome to attend both weeks! Most days, the girls will participate in age specific program sessions including arts & crafts, sports, games, hikes and outdoor cooking.

July 17 - 22, 2011 - All age groups will come together for meals in a central area. We have two outings planned for this week which are: Fanshawe Conservation Area beach day with canoeing for Guides and Pathfinders and a visit to the Pioneer Village for the Brownies. We will also be going on an outing to a local pool to cool off!


August 7 - 12, 2011 - All age groups will come together for meals in a central area. We have two outings planned for this week which are: day trip to Rock Glen Conservation Area to climb and explore around rocks, find fossils and a beautiful waterfall, and have a picnic lunch. Will also be going on a second outing to a London pool to cool off!

Click here to enrol now!

Plan to include Guide Camp in your summer!

Click here for more information on Camp Orenda.

And then Register today!

Please note this is not a unit camp - this is an opportunity to enjoy Girl Guide camping in addition to our unit's spring weekend camp.
We encourage you to apply!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Community Carnival Night - a Success

Our Community Carnival Night was a Success!

Just look at the fun everyone had!

Thank you so much to everyone that attended!

The Slushy Machine was SO popular!!

The girls worked hard at each of the stations - face painting, bowling, bean bag toss, balloon darts, ring toss, as well as at the 50/50 and raffles.

We were pleased to see the crowds come out - and we hope everyone that won a prize was thrilled!

Thanks to everyone that donated prizes for the raffles!! They were amazing!!

Did everyone get a chance to visit the Guide Camp display?  Watch your email and the blog for opportunities to attend Guide Camp this summer!

Thanks to all that stayed for a few minutes to help clean up too - many hands make short work!

  Huge thanks to everyone!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Your Leaders: Lisa

Your Leaders.


Here are Lisa's responses to some of the questions we asked, to help you to get to know the leaders of the 64th Guides.

We told her that if she couldn't think of 3 things, then just give us what you can!

Three things you have done as a member of Girl Guides: sell cookies in the mall, went to Ontario Place for Rally Day, had banana boats at camp.
Three foods you tried because of Girl Guides: Banana Boats, Hot Dogs in Milk cartons, tinfoil dinners
Three places you've been, yes, with Girl Guides: Ontario Place, Casa Loma, Camp Kah Ne Do
Three Girl Guide crests/badges you own: cookie sales, Rally Day, geocaching
Three things about Girl Guide camp: 1 you love, 1 you hate, 1 you dream of! Love banana boats, Hate/Dream of - oops, forgot to ask Lisa this part of the question!
Three friends you've made through Girl Guides: Amanda, Cathy, Kabrena
Three activities that were amazing: she's looking forward to the Bean Bag Toss at our Community Carnival fundraising event!
Three things you own "just for Girl Guides": Uniform, name tag, camp dishes
Three things you'd tell someone if they thought they might want to join Girl Guides: there are lots of fun activities and you make new friends - this applies to both girl members as well as adult members.

Thanks so much Lisa! We love having you as a member of the leadership team!

To read the other "Your Leaders" posts, visit our About Us page!  Next: Cathy!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Saturday, April 2, 2011